Sitka black-tailed deer hunt
The areas, that Michael Horstman black-tailed deer hunts, have been producing excellent black-tailed deer bucks and the trend is expected to continue. Black-tailed deer season on Kodiak runs from August through the end of December.
Sitka Black-tailed deer hunting season:
Kodiak Guide Service Booking Form for a Sitka black-tailed deer hunt
*Don’t forget to choose hunting dates and a “Sitka black-tailed deer hunt”- option in the option field!!!
Sitka black-tailed deer hunt overview
Sitka deer season Kodiak runs from August through the end of December.
Kodiak Guide Service recommends hosting deer hunters in September through the end of December, though the season starts in August. Earlier in the season the Sitka deer will be higher and still covered in fat.
From September till middle of November Black-tailed deer is in the mountains. Access is an important factor when hunting Black-tailed deer anywhere in Alaska. Hunting Sitka deer this time of the year can be physically demanding, but your chances of harvest are very high. Heavy snow from the middle of November will put the Sitka deer right on the beach. This time of year can support low level hunting. By late November into December black-tailed deer, especially bucks, will be leaner after the rut, and by mid to late December, begin to drop their antlers.
Sitka black-tailed deer tags can typically be picked up anyplace you can purchase your hunting license.
Michael Horstman has over 40 years of professional experience as Alaskan hunting guide and his track records proof it.
Kodiak Guide Service phone: 907-942-7738
E-mail: mike@kodiakguideservice.com
Kodiak Guide Service will contact you as soon as possible. No inquiry will go unanswered if you provide us with your contact information. Please understand that we might be out on a hunt and it may take time to respond.
Guided Sitka black-tailed deer hunt: 1 buck during 5 days of hunting. The current price for Sitka black-tailed deer hunt : $5800.00

Kodiak Guide Service has scouted an excellent Sitka deer area on Kodiak. Kodiak Guide Service has enjoyed a 100% success over the past years guiding Sitka deer hunters in this area. Mike Horstman’s clients have drawn every season since the season opened in the areas Michael hunts. Give Mike Horstman 5 days and he can guide you to your Sitka deer.